CIMA Operational Case Study – Competency Pack – Coming Soon!

Why are the competencies so important?

In the CIMA Case Studies, you are marked against four competencies: Technical, Business, People and Leadership.

No matter how many marks you get overall, if you score less than 33% in just one of the four competencies in your exam, you will fail!

And to pass you need to maximise your marks under each competency.

Our dedicated business, leadership, people and technical competency textbooks will ensure you are well prepared for each competency.

Each book will help you:

  • Learn what it takes to pass each competency
  • Get to grips with the theory behind each competency with a summary of all the key theory that is regularly examined
  • Test your ability to hit the key criteria with 15 exam-style questions with full solutions
  • Enable you to get exam prepared before the pre-seen is released.

Why use the Astranti competency pack?


Ensure you pass each competency

  • Start off by learning the basics from each competency
  • Understand the examiner’s view on each competency
  • Follow our analysis of past exam questions

Master the theory

  • Revise the key theory that is relevant to the strategic case study exam
  • Prepare yourself for a range of possible question types

Test your knowledge

  • Test yourself using the 15 CIMA case study exam style questions
  • Continuously learn by reading our detailed solutions
  • Practise before the pre-seen is released to get ahead of the rest.
So what exactly is in each book?
  • Introduction to the competency and what it takes to pass
  • Analysis of each sub-section of the competency
  • Review of how each sub-section has been examined in the past
  • Revision of most commonly examined theory relevant to the competency
  • 15 exam style questions
  • Detailed question solution

Purchase the competency pack

OCS Competancy Pack: Business Skills

Coming Soon!

OCS Competancy Pack: Leadership Skills

Coming Soon!

OCS Competancy Pack: People Skills

Coming Soon!

OCS Competancy Pack: Technical Skills

Coming Soon!

Best Value

OCS Competency Complete Pack: All 4 Competancy Packs

Coming Soon!

Value Extra

OCS Competency Complete Pack + Ethics Pack

Coming Soon!

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