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(ends 11/02/2025 - excludes courses and marking)
CIMA Management Case Study
Live Online – Masterclasses
Our recorded lectures and study texts give you all the content you need to pass the exams.
There’s nothing quite like being in a class live with a true expert in the case study exams as they explain what it takes to pass, giving you their personal perspective from many years of experience.
Our masterclasses are not just more lectures. They are interactive and dynamic. You’ll undertake a variety of exercises designed to get you thinking about the pre-seen and the exam and analyse your own strengths and weaknesses so you come out with a checklist of points to work on.
You’ll also get to debate the exams with other students, hear how they’re finding the exams and be able to ask the experts your own questions live too.
Over three weekend sessions in the run up to the exam you will enhance your case study skills and learn more about what it takes for you to gain those crucial extra marks.
“The case study course was particularly invaluable with all of the analysis, mock exams with feedback and of course the live masterclasses. Majority of the content covered in the course came up in the actual exam so I felt I was well prepared.”
“There was a lot of coursework available to assist in revision and it was concise and informative. As for the actual Masterclasses, I genuinely can’t recommend them highly enough. The tips on how to write your answers, the best way to structure your answer, creating a plan, etc…were all invaluable.”
Learn directly from the experts
Expert tutors with years of case study experience
Ask your own questions
Recorded so you can attend live or watch later
Eliminate the guesswork
Learn exactly what it takes to pass the case study exam
Get an expert’s view on the pre-seen and the key takeaways
See our tutors’ approach to tackling the exam
Focus your study time
Condensed sessions to learn the maximum amount in the minimum time
Get our expert’s opinion on the top things to focus on
Masterclass 1 – The pre-seen masterclass
Pre-seen knowledge is key to success in the operational case study exam.
Masterclass 1 is the perfect introduction to your case study preparations, as it focuses heavily on the pre-seen and related knowledge that you need to know to progress with your studies.
In short, the masterclass tutor will:
+ Provide an analysis of the pre-seen
+ Link the key theory and models from the syllabus to the pre-seen
+ Review the pre-seen company industry
+ Take you through our list of the 10 most likely exam issues based on the pre-seen
As always, the masterclass tutor will take your questions throughout the day, so you can come away feeling confident in your pre-seen knowledge by the end of the session.
Live on 05/10/2024
9:00-12:00 (UK)
Recording provided
Masterclass 2 – The keys to passing
By the Masterclass 2 date, you should have a really good understanding of all things pre-seen-related.
So, what else do you need to know to increase your chances of success in the case study exam?
Well, one of the biggest challenges students face in case study exams is not pre-seen or theory related at all. It’s their exam technique! This is THE most important day for most students as it’s technique not knowledge that lets most people down.
Masterclass 2 focuses on teaching you all the exam skills you need to master to successfully complete the exam in the time provided.
You will learn how to:
+ Create effective answer plans to focus what you write
+ Improve your exam writing style to earn more marks in fewer words
+ Manage your time in the exam to complete the exam (it’s very common that people do not complete the full exam and fail as a result)
+ Construct answers that score high marks
Live on 19/10/2024
9:00-13:00 (UK)
Recording provided
Masterclass 3 – The revision masterclass
Effective use of the final few days before the case study exams is vital!
By now, you will have hopefully learned the majority of the theory, pre-seen and application skills that you need, and you will have had the opportunity to test your exam skills out with your mock exams.
However, you can still learn things at this stage that will increase your chances of success. Remember, the difference between a pass and a fail can just be one point!
Masterclass 3, or the ‘revision masterclass’ will ensure that you have covered everything you need to cover before the exam, plus some new topics that will help you even more, including:
+ What our MCS markers are saying about mock scripts so far
+ Our pre-learned paragraphs based on the pre-seen to score extra marks in the exam
+ Identifying key personal areas for improvement from your mock exam scripts
This is also your last chance to ask your tutor final questions on anything to do with the exam! What do you need to know to get through? Now is your opportunity to gain that knowledge.
Live on 02/11/2024
9:00-13:00 (UK)
Recording provided
More about our masterclasses
Attending the Masterclasses:
You can attend our live masterclasses from anywhere in the world with a reliable internet connection, with the classes taking place between 9:00 and 13:00 UK time (9:00 to 12:00 for Masterclass 1).
When you sign up, you will receive an email with full details for attending the day before the event.
If you cannot attend or wish to re-watch the class, a full recording of each masterclass will be available shortly after the live class has ended.
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Meet your MCS masterclass tutor – Mary-Jane Rodriguez: Mary-Jane is an experienced CIMA tutor and content creator. She has hosted over 50 Astranti masterclasses, almost since the current case study exam format began! She has also worked as an Astranti mock exam marker, and helps to create our mock exam content. |

Meet your MCS masterclass tutor – Mary-Jane Rodriguez:
Mary-Jane is an experienced CIMA tutor and content creator. She has hosted over 50 Astranti masterclasses, almost since the current case study exam format began! She has also worked as an Astranti mock exam marker, and helps to create our mock exam content.
What our students have to say…
“Thanks so much Astranti for thoroughly preparing me for the CIMA SCS. From the superb masterclasses to the excellent preparation on how to develop the proper writing style the examiner wants to see. I have used Astranti for all 3 case studies and passed each first time. I will always recommend Astranti to other CIMA students at my place of work. Thanks again and keep doing what you do!”
“I have utilised Astranti for both the operational and management case study exams for CIMA. The amount of content provided by Astranti is quite easily the best in the market for the course. The masterclasses allow you to communicate with other students in a virtual classroom environment, which aids learning.”
Visit our testimonials page for our latest student reviews.
Book your place on the masterclasses
MCS Masterclasses 1, 2 & 3
5th Oct | 19th Oct | 2nd Nov
(Recordings included)
Our Masterclasses are also part of our MCS Premium Course.
Head to the course page to see what else our courses have to offer.
Note: You can attend our masterclasses from anywhere in the world with a reliable internet connection, with the classes taking place between 9:00 and 13:00 UK time (9:00 to 12:00 for Masterclass 1). When you sign up you will receive an email with full details for attending the day before the event. If you cannot attend or wish to re-watch the class, the full recording will be available shortly after the end of the live class.