Free CIMA Certificate Courses

Dedicated to helping you pass your exams

Want to pass your CIMA certificate in the quickest and easiest possible way?

We have designed high-quality online courses for the CIMA BA1, CIMA BA2, CIMA BA3 and CIMA BA4 exams that will give you the very best chance of passing!

Our friendly writing and presentation style makes it easy for you to make a start on your CIMA qualification with terminology introduced in a simple, understandable way that is focused on what you need to learn for the exam.

And best of all, our full certificate courses are completely free!

Why free?

Well, our hope is that you’ll love the materials so much that you’ll continue your studies with us for the remainder of your qualification. It’s as simple as that! After all, they’re the same great resources that we use for all our objective test courses, from operational to strategic level.

You can access the certificate course materials immediately after you create your free account, via our online student studyHub, so why not get started right away?

“I am happy with the study materials from Astranti, I used them to help me prepare for with my CIMA Certificate level exams. The practice exams and mock exams helped me revise. The Astranti exam practice questions and mock exams are timed, that helped me with time management when sitting for my exams. I have used Astranti for exam preparation and passed my BA1, BA2 & BA4 exams.”


CIMA Certificate Student, August 2023


Focused on what it takes to pass

Our course is designed with one thing in mind…

Getting you through the exam!

Comprehensive materials for every stage of your studies

OCS Course

Minimise your study time

Easy-to-consume content, making complex topics simple

Detailed explanations and solutions to help your learning

Tutor support when you need it through our discussion hub

Best CIMA OCS Course

Great value for money

Completely free, comprehensive online courses

High-quality materials prepared by our highly trained team

Free access for as long as it takes to pass!

Course content

Our goal is to make the free Astranti certificate courses the most comprehensive on the market.

Over more than 15 years of teaching CIMA students, we’ve considered exactly what students need to support you in order to give you everything you need to pass.

So what exactly do you get?

“I started my CIMA Journey in January 2022 and I needed a learning provider that would help me prepare for the Certificate in Business Accounting exams. I was lucky enough to have found Astranti.
Using the well constructed courses, learning materials and study planner, I was able to study effectively and pass the BA1 exam. I look forward to using Astranti to complete the rest of my exams.”


CIMA Certificate Student, April 2022

Printable study texts
  • Full CIMA syllabus coverage
  • Designed to simplify complex topics to make them easy to follow
  • Simple examples are used to bring each topic to life
  • Covers everything you need to know to pass the exam
  • Regularly updated based on student feedback to continuously improve the learning experience

More information

Tuition videos
  • Full CIMA syllabus coverage
  • Presented in a clear, simple way to help you learn quickly and easily
  • Learn at your own pace, watching each video when it suits you
  • Revisit the areas of the syllabus that you find most challenging
  • Download audio versions to listen on the move

More information

Exam practice kits
  • 20 revision questions per chapter to cement your knowledge learned
  • 10 difficult exam questions per chapter equivalent to the hardest you’ll see in the exam
  • Over 400 questions per module!
  • Our solutions are detailed! Understand exactly where you went wrong quickly and simply.

More information

Mock exams
  • 3 mock exams of 60 exam-style questions (85 questions for BA4)
  • Can be sat under timed conditions to replicate a real exam
  • Can be taken on a question by question basis to learn as you go
  • Detailed solutions so you understand where you went wrong quickly and easily

More information

Revision notes
  • Designed to enable you to revise quickly and easily in the last few days before the exam
  • Full syllabus coverage
  • Content aligned to the study text and videos to link to previous learning
  • Diagramatic form which is ideal for visual learners

More information

Tutor support
  • Ask a tutor all your questions on our discussion boards
  • See everyone else’s questions on our discussion board and discuss their ideas with them
  • Regular advice newsletter
Exam technique guide
  • Learn how to optimise your revision
  • Ensure you are using each of the course materials in the most effective way possible
  • Know everything there is to know about the certificate exams so there are no nasty surprises on the day
  • Follow our top tips for tackling each type of exam question and maximise your marks

How our free courses compare

When the 2017 CIMA certificate syllabus was introduced we decided to do something drastic! 

Instead of updating the original certificate materials that we had and then charging the same prices as we always have done, we thought we’d do things a little differently.

We decided to step away from the norm and instead offer all of our new CIMA certificate materials and courses to students absolutely free of charge. Why? Well we hope that you will like the materials so much, that you will then choose to stick with us throughout the remainder of your CIMA exams.

Why not check out the table below to see how our courses compare to one of the popular tuition providers?

CIMA registered tuition provider
Course content:
- Comprehensive study text
- Challenging mock exams
- Exam practice kits
- OnDemand tuition videos
- Revision notes/cards
- Exam technique guide
- Flexible learning at your convenience
- Tutor support
- Online course discussion area
- Experienced tutors
Official CIMA Publisher
OnDemand Course











OnDemand Course












What our students say

Please see our testimonials page for our latest student reviews. Here are a couple of examples:

“I started my CIMA journey with Astranti using the tuition videos, revision notes, practice questions, mock exams and other materials including the casestudy analysis pack, I have been able to complete 9 OT exams and 3 Casestudies in 8 months! I cannot recommend the materials enough. The on demand setup allows each student to work at their own pace and also has a structure for those looking to complete this in that way. Thank you Astranti!!”


CIMA Qualified, October 2022

“Truly Excellent. I passed all 16 CIMA examinations first time – with the excellent material from Astranti helping me prepare for those examinations.
Many thanks for the support – the material (videos and printed material – including mock exams etc) was invaluable.”

Toby Belfield

CIMA Qualified, July 2022

Start your free course access


Sign up now to get instant access to your free courses for certificate level

We know how important your privacy is. That’s why we do not share any details that you give us.


CIMA’s CGMA Finance Leadership Programme offers a route to CIMA qualification that contains no objective test exams, and it now contains a new ‘Foundational’ level.

This new level is the FLP equivalent of the Certificate level exams, meaning anyone can now join the FLP route, without needing to pass the four Certificate level exams first.

If you join FLP with Astranti, then you’ll now get access to our Foundational level library content, as well as all the regular FLP learning materials, case study courses and support that we have to offer.