CIMA Objective Tests – Free Resources
Try our free objective test materials here
At Astranti we always ensure that we’re able to help EVERY student that comes to us looking to pass their exams.
This starts with us offering you a wide range of free materials for each of your CIMA exams, which you can use with absolutely no strings attached!
Check out some of our free resources for your objective test exams on this page.
You can also create your free Astranti account to get access to even more free objective test exam content, plus loads more that’s available to purchase, including our brand new full objective test courses!
Sign up to make a start on your studies, with full access to week 1 of our objective test courses AND free access to mock exam 1 from each course!
Tuition videos
Access the first week of our course for free when you sign up and watch the first week’s worth of tuition videos.
Study texts
When you sign up you’ll get access to the study text chapters for the first week of the course, absolutely free!
Exam practice kits
When you sign up you’ll get access to the exam practice kit questions for the first week of the course, absolutely free!
More free objective test resources available when you sign up
There are loads more free materials available for you to use on our studyHUB. To create your free Astranti account, head to the sign up page, select the level you are studying from the memberships and complete the sign up form.
You’ll get access to the materials immediately after you’ve completed the sign up, so you can get started on your studies today!
As well as our full course, there’s also a range of individual objective test materials available to buy, including 4 more mock exams, revision notes and exam practice kits. More information on all our products can be found on the full course pages below…
Why study with us for your objective test exams?
Focused on ensuring you pass
- Study texts focused on making complex topics easy to understand
- Video tuition covering everything you need to pass – Exclusive to the full course!
- Exam practice kit with detailed solutions
- Revision notes to enable you to revise quickly and easily
- Full syllabus coverage so you will be prepared for every exam topic
- 5 mock exams containing exam standard questions
- Experienced CIMA tutors on hand to answer all your questions
- Personal coach to guide and support you through the course.
Active online community so you feel part of a team working together to pass
Sign up to make a start on your studies, with full access to week 1 of our objective test courses AND free access to mock exam 1 from each course!
Minimise study time
- Our videos condense each chapter into about an hour of focused tuition to enable you to learn the whole syllabus in the easiest way possible
- Audio downloads are provided for you to listen whilst on the move
- Our study text aims to simplify each topic using clear easy to understand examples so you pick topics up easily
- Our revision notes enable you to quickly revise the whole syllabus
- All courses are flexible so you can study wherever and whenever suits you
- Detailed solutions to all questions help you to learn from your mistakes
- A course programme that helps you to organise your studies in the most effective way possible
Value for money
- We aim to provide great value for money compared to others in the market with top quality products all at a great price
- We work hard to ensure we have the highest quality study materials prepared by our experienced team
- Being an online provider, we can regularly update our material to improve it based on student feedback
- As everything is online we don’t have the overheads of many of our competitors. We are able to provide a wide range of materials at a lower price than the market leading provider.
What our students say
Please see our Testimonials Page for all our latest testimonials. Here are a couple of examples:
“Honestly, Astranti has helped me clear all my papers in the first attempt since the day I decided to purchase the notes and kits. They provide notes and corresponding practice questions per topic. The practice questions come with detailed answers which help as you go through the syllabus and not have you spend time on the notes before your exam. Thanks to Astranti!! It’s all I’ve been looking for and I have made up my mind to stick to it till I finish my course.”
“I found that Astranti gave access to a whole set of section A materials and questions and a mini mock and this was perfect for me. I passed F2 a few days later – thank you Astranti!
I have seen how their system works now and it is much more user-friendly than Kaplans – the option to do ‘study-mode’ or ‘exam mode’ question practice is great (you only get Exam mode with Kaplan (i.e. answers at the end) and the Astranti answers are much better explained.”