CIMA F2 Advanced Financial Reporting – Free Study Resources
Free Study Resources

In addition to all the free F2 study resources you get when you sign up with Astranti, we’ve put together a selection of free, useful resources from across the web to help you get to grips with every aspect of the CIMA F2 syllabus. 

We’ve organised all the resources according to the different syllabus elements, so if you’re stuck on a particular area you can use these articles to help you out. Click on the images below to take a look.

Remember, when you sign up with Astranti you get lots of FREE material for F2, including a full CIMA Study Text, F2 Exam Practice Kit questions & an F2 Mini Mock exam. 

F2 Financial reporting: Syllabus weighting – 60%


Sign up to access your free CIMA F2 study materials, including: 5 mock exams, comprehensive online study texts, 60 exam practice kit sample questions, strategic study tips email newsletter with regular hints and tips to help you pass your F2 exam.

F2 Analysis of financial performance: Syllabus weighting – 25%

Creative accounting

Definition of creative accounting and how it can be used to create an illusion that a companies accounts are healthier than they really are. It is not a fraudulent practice, but it aims to make the company look much more financially healthy than it truly is.


Sign up to access your free CIMA P2 Study Text. Designed to contain all of the F2 syllabus theory that you need to pass your exam, in an easy to follow style, with examples throughout to help your understanding.

F2 Sources of long term finance: Syllabus weighting – 15%


Sign up to access your free exam practice kit questions for the first two chapters of the F2 syllabus, including 20 revision questions per chapter to aid your learning and 10 exam style questions per chapter to test your knowledge.

Other general help & advice

Objective Test Style and Format*

A helpful insight into the different ways the questions will be formatted

Five Steps to Success From CIMA Prizewinners

A helpful insight into the different ways the questions will be formatted

Five Tips on How to Reduce Stress

Tips on how to minimize stress and improve focus leading up to your exams

Top Tips For Revising

An easy blog to read giving helpful advice on how to prepare for CIMA exams

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