Free ACCA Study Materials

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We believe in helping everyone pass their ACCA exams.

So whether you purchase our premium courses and study materials, or simply want to use our free resources, we’ve designed everything we produce to add value to your studies.

Learn more about the free resources available for your studies below…

Free study texts

Since Astranti was founded way back in 2002, we’ve had one key vision…

To simplify complex topics.

And one of the major ways that we’ve done this is by creating our own unique study materials, in our own unique style.

Our syllabus study texts are at the centre of this vision, and have been written with clear and easy to follow language, meaning you truly understand each of the topics as you work your way through them.

After all, if you don’t truly understand the theory, there’s no chance you’ll pass your exams!

And, to help you pass your ACCA exams, our study texts are available completely free when you sign up!

See when the study text for your next exam is due to be released below:

Financial Accounting (FA) Available Now
Business & Technology (BT) 7th August 2024
Management Accounting (MA) 26th July 2024
Corporate & Business Law (LW) TBC
Performance Management (PM) TBC
Taxation (TX) 29th July 2024
Financial Reporting (FR) Available Now
Audit & Assurance (AA) TBC
Financial Management (FM) TBC

If your study text isn’t quite ready yet, be sure to sign up now anyway, as we’ll notify you when it is!

Free ACCA Study Texts

Free case study exam study resources

Astranti has become renowned for providing comprehensive case study exam support over the years, within both the CIMA and ACCA tuition markets.

For ACCA case study students, we have a range of premium materials and courses to help you through these tricky exams.

But we also have some free resources, including:
+ Free SBL pre-seen-industry analysis pack
+ Free SBL time management guide

Be sure to select the ‘Strategic Professional’ free membership product when you sign up via the button below…

Free ACCA SBL Study Materials
Free ACCA SBL Study Materials

Free case study exam study resources

Astranti has become renowned for providing comprehensive case study exam support over the years, within both the CIMA and ACCA tuition markets.

For ACCA case study students, we have a range of premium materials and courses to help you through these tricky exams.

But we also have some free resources, including:
+ Free SBL pre-seen-industry analysis pack
+ Free SBL time management guide

Be sure to select the ‘Strategic Professional’ free membership product when you sign up via the button below…