The Keys To Passing The ACCA SBL Exam
ACCA SBL only became a pre-seen-based exam in September 2023.
And, having worked with CIMA students on pre-seen-based exams for more than 17 years, I thought this was a great opportunity for Astranti to enter the world of ACCA tuition.
It’s proved to be an excellent move so far.
In fact, since we released our first ACCA study materials just over a year ago, we’ve already helped more than 10,000 ACCA students with their exams!
If you’re now preparing for the SBL exam, I’d recommend watching my video, in which I take you through all the key things you need to do to pass the SBL exam…
Explore Our ACCA SBL Courses
Our SBL courses offer everything you need to pass the ACCA Strategic Business Leader course!
Learn more about the course options, and our other study materials, by visiting our ACCA SBL Courses Page…