Astranti Affiliates
How it works
We pay thousands of pounds every year to the hard-working people who help promote Astranti.

If you’d like to support students with great advice then you’re perfect to become an Astranti affiliate. Typically affiliates canĀ run websites or social media pages which provide CIMA students with exam advice and useful links and support them in their studies.

They then recommend selected products or services we provide and link through to our website. If the student is new to us and they sign up they then become registered to the affiliate.

From then on the affiliate receives a commission on all sales made for that student and they are paid quarterly.

Take a look at some of our current affiliate websites…
Management Accounting Mastery

Matt Evans became a CIMA qualified management accountant in 2013. Having experienced the many ups and downs of studying CIMA, he now has a passion for helping current students pass their exams and become fully qualified.

The CIMA Student

The CIMA Student shares experiences, opinions and discussions on the resources that are out there. It’s a great resource for students who are funding their own studies, in order to select all of the best tuition materials that are available.

CIMA Mock Exams

CIMA Mock Exams offer mocks and practice questions. This website also includes information about pass rates for each individual exam and provides exam tips.

MJ the Tutor

MJ the Tutor is a blog owned by our very own CIMA management case study tutor Mary Jane Rodriguez. Readers of this blog will gain first-hand insights into the world of accounting and the common issues that CIMA students encounter.

CIMA Mock Exams

I Pass the CMA Exam is a site created by Stephanie Ng. Stephanie specialises in not only exam advice, specific to accountancy students, but also provides detailed reviews of the various courses and resources available out there to students.

IUNIQUE offer start-up funding advice to ventures looking to progress without risk. They are heavily linked to the finance industry and provide weekly newsletters highlighting current affairs. This information can be useful in case study exams.

A word from one of our affiliates

“Having used Astranti myself to become CIMA qualified in 2013, I became an affiliate in early 2014. I did so because I wanted to fund my own website, passing on my recommendations to current CIMA students as to the most cost effective and least time consuming path to follow on the way to qualification.

The first real step to becoming an affiliate for Astranti, is to become extremely familiar with both the Astranti team and the products/services they provide. Go to where students are already hanging out online and be genuinely helpful. Focus on the benefits you can offer them, over and above purely helping them pass their exams, such as convenience, speed of delivery and time saving.”

Matthew Evans

Astranti Affiliate, Management Accounting Mastery

How to become an affiliate
Astranti Affiliates

If you’re interested in becoming an affiliate, please get in touchĀ by contacting

We’ll tell you more about it and how you get started. Our primary aim is to help you when supporting your students withĀ interesting and insightful content, support and guidance. Secondly, we want to help you to earn as much as you can as an affiliate.